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2018-09-12 10:29  

《渗透》,一个由来自波兰弗罗茨瓦夫美术学院(The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw )各个领域艺术家们所展现的非凡展览。弗罗茨瓦夫美术学院是波兰独立设置的七所美术学院之一。

 ‘Permeation’ – an extraordinary mix of disciplines and artists associated with The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw – one of only seven academies of fine arts in Poland.



The Wroclaw Academy in 2016 celebrated the 70th anniversary of its activity after WWII. However, its earlier history reaching the end of the 18th century is equally important for us – contemporary residents of Wroclaw. The artists associated with the Academy in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century created the architecture of Breaslau (after 1945 – Wroclaw), sumptuousness of its sculpture, painting and decorative arts.  Teaching directions and courses opened at the Academy after 1945, corresponded to the needs and traditions of the Lower Silesia. Thus the emphasis was put on Ceramics and Glass (design of industrial forms as well as artistic objects), which became the first faculty. The Painting and Sculpture Faculty was opened a little later, followed by the Faculty of Interior Architecture and Design and The Faculty of Graphics and Media Art.



The first two decades of XXI century mark a rapid development of the School, related to the expansion and modernisation of its infrastructure as well as internationalisation of study programmes, employees’  and students exchange and international presentations of artistic output in countries like:   Germany, France, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, USA, Japan, South Korea, Australia, India, Israel, Morocco, China  (Tianjin, Pekin).


举办过的展览被国际艺术评论家广泛宣传和评论。同样受欢迎的还有由学院组织的久负盛名的长期活动-弗罗茨瓦夫绘画三年展、Eugeniusz Geppert竞赛、高温文化节和最佳媒体艺术毕业项目竞赛。

These exhibitions were widely publicised and commented on by international art critics. Similarly popular are prestigious, long standing events organised by the Academy – Wroclaw Triennale of Drawing, Eugeniusz Geppert Competition, Festival of High Temperatures or Best Media Art Graduation Projects Competition.  


从1991年开始,学院出版季刊——《格式》。建刊26年来该刊物已成为波兰最重要的专业期刊。从2003年起,期刊《论述》也开始 定期出版学术、科研论文以及艺术评论。

From 1991 the Academy publishes quarterly magazine ‘Format’, which in its 26 years history, has become the most important professional journal in Poland. From 2003 ‘Dyskurs’ (‘Discourse’) – periodical presenting artistic and scientific research of theorists  and art critics is also being published.



The Academy is constantly expanding and modernising its infrastructure. In 2012 a new building with the floor area of over 13 000 sqm was opened. It consists of 9 laboratories and 42 studios equipped with state of the art technologies and devices. Glass factory, ceramic stoves for porcelain, metal foundry as well as painting, photographic and design studios form a picture of the Academy today.



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